Flight MH370 ‘lost’: reactions and continued efforts


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May 09, 2023

Flight MH370 ‘lost’: reactions and continued efforts

Editor’s note: China urged Malaysia to continue all the relevant work including

Editor's note: China urged Malaysia to continue all the relevant work including search and rescue for the missing plane after Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Monday that new analysis of satellite data suggested that the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 "ended" in the southern Indian Ocean .


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Reporting: Chen Boyuan, Zhang Lulu, Wang Qian, Huang Shan, Zhang Ming’ai, Lin Liyao, Ma Yujia, Yuan Fang, Chris Parker, Lu Na

9:09 pm: That concludes this live blog. Thank you for staying with us. We will renew our live coverage as new information emerges.

8:33 pm: China's Ministry of Defense on Tuesday evening dismissed as untrue media reports that China has dispatched military forces to independently study the cause of Flight MH370's loss of contact in a statement on its official website.

8:20 pm: Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told the BBC he would not be stepping down any time soon, as "there were things to do now". In an interview with BBC, he insisted his company "was not hiding anything", and he was 100% sure missing flight MH370 was lost.

7:05 pm: Malaysia's (Acting) Minister of Transport has published on his Facebook page the remarks he made at the press conference held in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon:

25 March 2014, 5:30 pm

Introductory statement

As the search for MH370 continues, we remain focused on narrowing the search area.

With such strong co-operation from our international partners, the challenge is no longer diplomatic. It is now primarily technical and logistical.

Because the scale of the investigation is now much more complex, the release of technical and logistical information will be handled differently. As you have seen today, this means that Malaysia Airlines will take the lead in communicating with the families.

As the search area has narrowed, new challenges have arisen, including managing resources in a remote search and rescue effort. We continue to work closely with our friends and partners as we seek to marshal more specific resources in support of the operations in that area.

New data

Last night the Prime Minister announced that according to new analysis of satellite data, Inmarsat and UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) have concluded that flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.

Today I will provide further details of how the data was analysed, as provided to us the UK AAIB.

This information is quite technical in nature. So although I will give you as much information as I can, I will not be in a position to answer questions about this data analysis today.

However, we will accept written questions which will be answered as soon as possible. We will be providing this information as a press release at the end of this press conference. This is the information provided to us by the AAIB.

Further details

In recent days Inmarsat developed a second innovative technique which considers the velocity of the aircraft relative to the satellite. Depending on this relative movement, the frequency received and transmitted will differ from its normal value, in much the same way that the sound of a passing car changes as it approaches and passes by. This is called the Doppler effect.

The Inmarsat technique analyses the difference between the frequency that the ground station expects to receive and one that is actually measured. This difference is the result of the Doppler effect and is known as the Burst Frequency Offset.

The Burst Frequency Offset changes depending on the location of the aircraft on an arc of possible positions, its direction of travel, and its speed. In order to establish confidence in its theory, Inmarsat checked its predictions using information obtained from six other B777 aircraft flying on the same day in various directions. There was good agreement.

While on the ground at Kuala Lumpur airport, and during the early stage of the flight, MH370 transmitted several messages. At this stage the location of the aircraft and the satellite were known, so it was possible to calculate system characteristics for the aircraft, satellite, and ground station.

During the flight the ground station logged the transmitted and received pulse frequencies at each handshake. Knowing the system characteristics and position of the satellite it was possible, considering aircraft performance, to determine where on each arc the calculated burst frequency offset fit best.

The analysis showed poor correlation with the Northern corridor, but good correlation with the Southern corridor, and depending on the ground speed of the aircraft it was then possible to estimate positions at 0011 UTC, at which the last complete handshake took place. I must emphasise that this is not the final position of the aircraft.

There is evidence of a partial handshake between the aircraft and ground station at 0019 UTC. At this time this transmission is not understood and is subject to further ongoing work.

No response was received from the aircraft at 0115 UTC, when the ground earth station sent the next log on / log off message. This indicates that the aircraft was no longer logged on to the network.

Therefore, sometime between 0011 UTC and 0115 UTC the aircraft was no longer able to communicate with the ground station. This is consistent with the maximum endurance of the aircraft.

This analysis by Inmarsat forms the basis for further study to attempt to determine the final position of the aircraft. Accordingly, the Malaysian investigation has set up an international working group, comprising agencies with expertise in satellite communications and aircraft performance, to take this work forward.

Technical background

The new analysis I have described above was convincing enough for the AAIB to brief the Prime Minister that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth. Within a few hours, the families had been informed, and the Prime Minister announced the new development to the world.

As the Prime Minister stated, this type of analysis has never been done in an investigation of this sort.

There remains more work to be done, and we are grateful to Inmarsat, AAIB and the international investigations team, who are continuing to work with the Malaysian authorities. This is a developing situation, and as soon as we know more, we will share it.

Operational update

As a result of this new data analysis, the search and rescue operation in the northern corridor has been called off. We have also stopped the search and rescue operation in the northern part of the southern corridor, close to Indonesia.

All search efforts are now focused in the southern part of the southern corridor, in an area covering some 469,407 square nautical miles, as against the 2.24 million square nautical miles which we announced on 18th March.

We are currently working to further narrow down the search area, using the four methods I mentioned previously: gathering information from satellite surveillance, analysis of surveillance radar data, increasing air and surface assets, and increasing the number of technical and subject matter experts.

On the assets deployed, 2 Korean aircraft left Subang airport for Perth this morning, to help in the multinational search operation.

No flights from Perth to the search area took place today, due to bad weather.

6 Chinese ships are currently in the search area. They are expected to arrive within the vicinity of MH370's last known position by tomorrow morning. These ships include the ice breaker ‘Xue Long’.

HMAS Success is also currently in the search area.

The American Towed Pinger Locater – an instrument that can help find a black box – is currently en route to Perth and will arrive tomorrow. The system will be fitted onto the Australian ship Ocean Shield, which is due to dock in Perth on 28th March. The Ocean Shield, fitted with the Towed Pinger Locater, is due to arrive in the search area on 5 April.

Concluding remarks

The new analysis shared with the investigation by Inmarsat and the AAIB has focused our efforts on the southern part of the southern corridor.

Although yesterday's news was incredibly hard for the family members, as our Prime Minister said, it was released out of a commitment to openness and respect for the relatives, two principles which have guided the investigation.

6:32 pm: Malaysian (acting) transport minster says final position of MH370 still not known, BBC reported.

6:28 pm: Malaysia's acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, centre, conducted the media briefing in Malaysia on Tuesday.

6:26 pm: Media briefing update:

Malaysia's acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein says different countries are now searching parts of the southern Indian Ocean. He says of the search for debris and black box: "I am an optimistic man – we will do whatever it takes."

6:01 pm: Malaysian authorities are holding a news conference in Kuala Lumpur on the missing Flight MH370.

6:00 pm:

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered Zhang Yesui, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs to go to Kuala Lumpur as a special envoy to consult with Malaysia and deal with the matter of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. Zhang will depart for Malaysia as soon as possible.

5:58 pm: The Australia Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) says in a statement that the search and recovery operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in the southern Indian Ocean will resume on Wednesday.

5:48 pm: Najib Razak, Malaysian Prime Minister tweets:

I offer my sincerest gratitude to military and civil personnel from Msia & around the world who are working day & night for #MH370.

5:38 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

Grieving family members are leaving the main press room, and are heading to their own hotel rooms, while a few have chosen to remain in the room, waiting to see what is going to happen.

Some of the relatives are wearing t-shirts with "give us family members the truth" written on them in handwritten characters.

5:28 pm:

China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei introduced China's search and rescue work in relation to the missing flight MH370 during a regular press briefing on March 25.

As well as the icebreaker Snow Dragon (Xuelong) which arrived in the area where China detected suspicious objects, the ship Zhonghaishaohua reached the area where France detected the suspected objects yesterday, and three other warships; the Kunlunshan, Qiandaohu and the Haikou, will arrive in the area of concern on March 25. The Sea Cruise 01 and the South China Sea Rescue 101 also came close to the area. Two IL-76 aircraft from the Chinese navy carried out two searches on Monday.

Eight commercial ships, under the coordination of China's maritime search and rescue center are searching the Bay of Bengal, and the sea around Indonesia and western Australia, expanding the search area to 15,000 square kilometers. Another 20 fishing ships in the Indian Ocean are also participating in the search.

4:54 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

A senior official from the Beijing Public Security Bureau asked the public to let the Malaysian ambassador go, saying China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State Council would be in touch with him later.

The Malaysian ambassador has remained silent after most of the questions asked at the press conference.

The Malaysian ambassord left the room at 4:52 pm.

It has been reported that a high-ranking official from the State Council will come to meet the grieving families.

Relatives are questionning whether corruption in Malaysia could have caused a hijacking, since the pilot might want to cut a deal with the authorities.

4:50 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

One family member said "Mr ambassador, members of our family were on the lost flight, including my mother, who is a calligrapher. She told me on the phone how beautiful your country is and how nice your people are. But your country has taken her life away. Do you have no feelings about that?"

4:40 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

One toddler, a relative of a lost passenger, burst out crying, driving several others into silent mourning.

4:38 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

Relatives shouted at the press conference "since you (the ambassador) cannot answer any questions, have you come here for tourism? Go back to Malaysia!"

4:23 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

The family members request the Malaysian ambassador to state the reasons why he cannot answer their questions, instead of standing there procrastinating.

The Malaysian ambassador answered: I have made my statement. I have nothing else to add.

The angry family members refute the saying, asking why no MH engineer team came to Beijing last night.

Ambassador said: "Chinese government requests me to come here to brief to you all my statements made in the morning

3:57 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

Providing the victims’ families with life necessities will be the top priority for Malaysia Airlines.

"We will address all needs of the victims’ families." Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya stated.

A Malaysian technical team will meet with the victims’ families when they reach Beijing tomorrow.

Family members are staying: never stop, never give up. One family member demanded that the interpreter translate all of the characters in their slogan banners accurately.

Families are saying that the Malaysian government has committed murder.

One man among the family members, bursting into tears while asking a question, says he is curious why the Malaysian government has acted in a way no one can understand. "I, we used to have hopes, but now all hopes are gone."

3:34 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

One frustrated family member said that the Malaysia Airlines officials may come during dinner time, when most people would not be in the hotel, indicating his disapproval of the lack of respect Malaysia Airlines is showing to the victims’ families.

A SWAT team has now been deployed in the main press room, signalling that an important event may be taking place soon.

Order is restored at the Malaysian embassy after relatives of the passengers on board flight MH370 returned to the Lido Hotel.

2:56 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

The family members of the victims are in the main press room, watching the news channel. Many of them have bowed their heads, out of fatigue and extreme sorrow.

2:55 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

Police officers inside the Lido Hotel have started to check passports of non-Chinese citizens and ask people lingering near the press conference room to exit the hotel.

2:39 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

Hotel staff at the door are checking people's identities before allowing them in.

2:38 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

The multi-function room on Lido Hotel's second floor, where the press conferences were held, is occupied by many family members of the MH370 passengers, watching live Malaysian and Chinese news programs.

2:35 pm: @odeliasirait

Deep condolence @MH370. May all their souls rest in peace.

2:24 pm: Security staff have finally allowed our reporter into Lido Hotel.

Families of MH370 victims have returned to the Lido Hotel in chartered buses, accompanied by police officers to maintain order.

As tension reduces at the Lido Hotel, inquisitive journalists asked police officers guarding the lobby entrance why they are still not allowed in, only to be told the police are just following orders from their superiors.

1:49 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan:

I was unable to photograph family members leaving for the Malaysian embassy, but many bystanders at the hotel's east gate claim police officers, including a swat team, were gathering there just to see them off, and prevent any emergency from taking place.

1:48 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan:

Those who are inside do not dare leave the hotel either, in case a major event such as a press conference happens in the afternoon, and they are barred again.

1:47 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan:

As of 13:25, people who are not family members of MH370 passengers or people with no direct link to the MH370 flight are still barred from entering the hotel.

1:45 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan:

Lido hotel has resumed its tranquility as many family members of the MH370 victims have reportedly left for the Malaysian embassy in Beijing to stage a sit-in to protest against what they claim is a political conspiracy that has prevented the full details about the flight from reaching them.

1:41 pm: Australian Defence Minister David Johnston said,

His country is "doing everything we can" to search for debris of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Everything is speculative until the debris is found, he told reporters, adding that no confirmed debris has been recovered yet.

Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof, Chairman of Malaysia Airlines

As you will be aware, last night the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najjib Razak, announced new evidence regarding the disappearance of MH370 on 8th March.

Based on this evidence, the Prime Minister's message was that we must accept the painful reality that the aircraft is now lost and that none of the passengers or crew on board survived.

This is a sad and tragic day for all of us at Malaysia Airlines. While not entirely unexpected after an intensive multi-national search across a 2.24 million square mile area, this news is clearly devastating for the families of those on board. They have waited for over two weeks for even the smallest hope of positive news about their loved ones.

This has been an unprecedented event requiring an unprecedented response. The investigation still underway may yet prove to be even longer and more complex than it has been since March 8th. But we will continue to support the families – as we have done throughout. And to support the authorities as the search for definitive answers continues. I will now ask our Group Chief Executive¸ Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, to provide you will with fuller details of our support for the families.

Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, Group Chief Executive Officer, Malaysia Airlines

I stand before you today not only as the Group Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Airlines, but also as a parent, as a brother, as a son. My heart breaks to think of the unimaginable pain suffered by all the families. There are no words which can ease that pain. Everyone in the Malaysia Airlines family is praying for the 239 souls on MH370 and for their loved ones on this dark day. We extend our prayers and sincere condolences.

We all feel enormous sorrow and pain. Sorrow that all those who boarded Flight MH370 on Saturday 8th March, will not see their families again. And that those families will now have to live on without those they love. It must be remembered too that 13 of our own colleagues and fellow Malaysians were also on board.

And let me be very clear on the events of yesterday evening. Our sole and only motivation last night was to ensure that in the incredibly short amount of time available to us, the families heard the tragic news before the world did. Wherever humanly possible, we did so in person with the families or by telephone, using SMS only as an additional means of ensuring fully that the nearly 1,000 family members heard the news from us and not from the media.

Ever since the disappearance of Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines’ focus has been to comfort and support the families of those involved and support the multi-national search effort. We will continue to do this, while we also continue to support the work of the investigating authorities in the Southern Indian Ocean.

Like everyone else, we are waiting for news from those authorities. We know that while there have been an increasing number of apparent leads, definitive identification of any piece of debris is still missing. It is impossible to predict how long this will take. But after 17 days, the announcement made last night and shared with the families is the reality which we must now accept. When Malaysia Airlines receives approval from the investigating authorities, arrangements will be made to bring the families to the recovery areas if they so wish. Until that time, we will continue to support the ongoing investigation. And may I express my thanks to the Government and all of those involved in this truly global search effort.

In the meantime, Malaysia Airlines’ overwhelming focus will be the same as it has been from the outset – to provide the families with a comprehensive support programme. Through a network of over 700 dedicated caregivers, the loved ones of those on board have been provided with two dedicated caregivers for each family, providing care, support and counsel. We are now supporting over 900 people under this programme and in the last 72 hours, we have trained an additional 40 caregivers to ensure the families have access to round-the-clock support.

In addition, hotel accommodation for up to five family members per passenger, transportation, meals and others expenses have been provided since 8th March and that will continue.

Malaysia Airlines has already provided initial financial assistance of USD 5,000 per passenger to the next of kin. We recognize that financial support is not the only consideration. But the prolonged search is naturally placing financial strain on the relatives. We are therefore preparing to offer additional payments as the search continues.

This unprecedented event in aviation history has made the past 18 days the greatest challenge to face our entire team at Malaysia Airlines. I have been humbled by the hard work, dedication, heartfelt messages of concern and offers of support from our remarkable team. We do not know why, and we do not know how this terrible tragedy happened. But as the Malaysia Airlines family, we are all praying for the passengers and crew of Flight MH370.

1:36 pm: Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Tuesday on behalf of the Indonesian people extended his heartfelt condolence to the accident of Malaysian airline plane MH370 that crashed into southern Indian Ocean and killed all 239 people on board.

1:18 pm: Addressing Parliament, Najib said,

Our priority, after confirming that the incident happened in the Indian Ocean, is to focus in this area.

The search area is very challenging. We need exceptional support.

"This is not the time to politicise the issue. It is time for us to show our solidality with families of those on board MH370.

1:04 pm: The airlines say they have offered US$5000 to the family of each passenger on the flight.

12:57 pm: When asked if he would resign after the investigation was complete, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said it was "a personal decision".

12:48 pm: Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya says that the airline tried "wherever humanly possible" on Monday to inform the relatives in person or by telephone that they believed that the plane was lost, and "using SMS as the last resort of ensuring fully that [the] nearly 1,000 family members heard the news from us and not from the media".

12:35 pm: Australian official say search efforts is unlikely to resume for "at least another 24 hours."

12:33 pm: Malaysia Airlines news conference has started in Kuala Lumpur.

12:30 pm: Australian military officials say the search is suspended due to bad weather conditions and when the weather gets better, more assets will help in the search.

12:25 pm: Australia's Minister for Defence David Johnston has said he is "confident" in Malaysia's assessment that the plane ended its journey in the southern Indian Ocean "because that's the best we’ve got in this point in time".

12:20 pm: Australian Defence Minister David Johnston is speaking with reporters on missing flight 370 in Bullsbrook, Australia.

11:56 am: Reporter Chen Boyuan: Traffic resumes at Lido Hotel's surrounding area.

11:52 am: Family member of the 154 Chinese passengers on board the MH370, represented by a committee called the "Malaysia Airline MH370 Family Members Committee" issued a statement at 2 a.m. on March 25 Beijing Time on Sina Weibo (China's equivalent of Twitter), demanding the truth from Malaysia. They criticized the Malaysian government for covering up the truth and causing a delay in the search and rescue work.

11:51 am: The front pages of several Malaysian newspapers are covered in black and white, to express condolences for the passengers of flight MH370. The newspapers are in English, Malay and Chinese.

11:46 am: @vazimjsm

Please do pray for our brothers and sisters who lost their lives on #MH370.

11:39 am: The family members raised doubts about the announcement, which was made without any solid evidence. They have demanded the truth from Malaysia.

11:35 am: Family members of the missing MH370 passengers are now marching to the Malaysian embassy in China for a sit-in, after the Malaysian government's announcement last night that the flight had "ended in the South Indian Ocean."

11:31 am: Reporter Chen Boyuan: Police officers are standing in formation at the east entrance of the Lido Hotel. The road to the east of the hotel has been cordoned off, which has trapped all vehicles in the road section.

11:26 am: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel:

11:24 am: The families of those lost in Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 will be given every assistance by the Australian government to travel to Australia, if and when any wreckage is found, local media reported Tuesday.

11:16 am: @nancykoppdw

Dear families of #mh370, the world waited with you, the world cries with you, the world screams for answers with you. The world prays 4 u.

10:57 am: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: Police officers guarding the entrance to Lido Hotel are not allowing any people who are not directly linked to flight MH370, including members of the press, to enter the hotel.

10:48 am: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: Dozens of people, who look like Malaysia Airlines staff, have arrived at the Lido Hotel. Many of them are wearing white t-shirts with sky-blue characters reading "pray for MH370" and "safe return" printed on them.

10:40 am: Photos of passengers on board MH370

10:39 am: Reporter Chen Boyuan: Lido hotel staff are guarding the gate to the press conference room, blocking members of the press from entering, and to stop mourning relatives of MH370 passengers from being disturbed.

Security intensified around Lido Hotel: At least 30 police vehicles and more than 10 ambulances have arrived at the car park of the Lido Hotel, to respond to any emergency. Outside the hotel, press cars and members of the public traveling to the hotel have brought surrounding traffic almost to a standstill.

Police officers are patrolling the lobby of the Lido Hotel and other public areas. Security is tighter than in an airport.

10:21 am: The Antarctic research vessel is now 130 nautical miles away from its target area.

10:20 am: Chinese icebreaker Xuelong on Tuesday pressed ahead with the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean.

10:03 am: The following is the full text of Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's statement to media Tuesday on the latest developments in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370:

I have today been in further contact with Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia to offer him Australia's continuing help, support and cooperation in what has now moved from a search to a recovery and investigation phase.

This is a very, very difficult task. It's a long way from anywhere but obviously it is closer to Australia than anywhere else and Australia has much of the capacity needed to get this done as best as it can be.

Above all else though I offer my condolences to the people of all of the countries who have lost friends, relatives, loved ones in the MH370 tragedy.

This has been a desperately difficult time for thousands of people right around the globe particularly in China as well as in Malaysia.

I understand that the loved ones of those on that plane may well wish to come to Australia in coming days and weeks. They will find a welcoming country that is more than willing to embrace them in this very difficult time.

10:00 am: China's Vice Foreign Minister Xie Hangsheng met the Malaysian ambassador in the night of March 24, after the Malaysian prime minister announced that the missing MH370 "ended in the southern Indian Ocean." Xie asked Malaysia to offer an explanation for the conclusion and provide relevant information and evidence. Xie also urged Malaysia to continue the search and rescue work. Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry's spokesman Hong Lei also said Monday night that China had asked Malaysia to offer all the information and evidence that led to the conclusion.

9:51 am: Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Tuesday that the case of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has entered the phase of recovery and investigation.

He told reporters that is a very very difficult task and his country will offer continuing help, support and cooperation.

9:44 am: Chinese icebreaker the Xuelong reduced speed Monday to dodge a strong cyclone that would lash a sea area in the southern Indian Ocean. The weather condition at the target sea area would become worse Tuesday with a force 9 wind and wave height of 3.5 meters to 4.5 meters, which would greatly threaten the safety of the ship

9:43 am: A remarkable piece of high-tech data detective work has provided what looks to be the missing clue to the tragic fate of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, an expert said Monday.

9:42 am: The United States said Monday that it has no "independent corroboration" about the announced crash of the missing Malaysian jetliner in the southern Indian Ocean.

"I don't have any independent corroboration of that," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters at a regular news briefing, hours after Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced the jet's crash at a press conference citing new analysis of satellite data.

"I have no reason to believe it's not true. I just don't have any update for you," Harf said, adding Washington was working " very closely" with the Malaysian government.

9:32 am: Family members in tears upon plane crash

9:25 am: The British Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) on Monday confirmed it had worked with British satellite company Inmarsat to provide information that helped Malaysian authorities confirm that missing Malaysian Airways flight MH370 had ended in the southern Indian Ocean.

9:20 am: China will send more vessels to the waters of the southern Indian Ocean to search and salvage wreckage of Malaysia Airline MH370, Chinese maritime authorities said late Monday night.

9:17 am: Here is the latest media release from AMSA:

9:07 am: To recap: Here's the full text of the message given to relatives and crew of those on board just before the Malaysian prime minister's statement:

Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that we have to assume that MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean. As you will hear in the next hour from Malaysia's Prime Minister, new analysis of satellite data suggests the plane went down in the Southern Indian Ocean.

On behalf of all of us at Malaysia Airlines and all Malaysians, our prayers go out to all the loved ones of the 226 passengers and of our 13 friends and colleagues at this enormously painful time.

We know there are no words that we or anyone else can say which can ease your pain. We will continue to provide assistance and support to you, as we have done since MH370 first disappeared in the early hours of 8 March, while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The ongoing multinational search operation will continue, as we seek answers to the questions which remain. Alongside the search for MH370, there is an intensive investigation, which we hope will also provide answers.

We would like to assure you that Malaysia Airlines will continue to give you our full support throughout the difficult weeks and months ahead.

9:01 am: Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said on Monday,

The U.S. has sent a towed pinger locator, an autonomous underwater vehicle and trained personnel to Australia in case the equipment is needed to search for the black box of the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner.

A towed pinger locator and a Bluefin-21 autonomous underwater vehicle were flown out of JFK Airport in New York to Perth, Australia earlier the day, and expected to arrive there on Tuesday, Kirby confirmed at the Pentagon press briefing.

8:59 am: The Australian Maritime Safety Authority's search for any signs of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has been suspended for today due to poor weather conditions in the search area.

8:57 am: Deep sorrow and anger gripped about 200 relatives of passengers of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 after they watched a live broadcast of the prime minister's press briefing at 10 p.m. at a hotel conference room.

8:52 am: To recap: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down over the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Monday, citing a new analysis of satellite data by a British satellite company and accident investigators.

8:50 am: Welcome to our live page on the missing MH370.

Editor's note: Please stay tuned for our live updates. Reporting: Chen Boyuan, Zhang Lulu, Wang Qian, Huang Shan, Zhang Ming’ai, Lin Liyao, Ma Yujia, Yuan Fang, Chris Parker, Lu Na 9:09 pm 8:33 pm: 8:20 pm 7:05 pm: Introductory statement New data Further details Technical background Operational update Concluding remarks 6:32 pm: 6:28 pm 6:26 pm: 6:01 pm: 6:00 pm: 5:58 pm: 5:48 pm: 5:38 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 5:28 pm: 4:54 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 4:52 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 4:50 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 4:40 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 4:38 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 4:23 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 4:07 pm: To recap: 3:57 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: Press conference live broadcast: 3:53 pm: 3:34 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 3:21 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel 3:04 pm: Reporter Zhang Lulu at the Malaysian embassy 2:56 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 2:55 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 2:39 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel 2:38 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan at Lido Hotel: 2:35 pm: 2:24 pm: 2:09 pm: Reporter Zhang Lulu at the Malaysian embassy 2:01 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan: 2:00 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan: 1:49 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan 1:48 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan: 1:47 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan 1:45 pm: Reporter Chen Boyuan: 1:41 pm: 1:38 pm: The following is the full text of the latest Malaysia Airlines statement: 1:36 pm: 1:18 pm: 1:13 pm: 1:04 pm 12:57 pm: 12:48 pm: 12:35 pm: 12:33 pm: 12:30 pm: 12:25 pm: 12:20 pm: 11:56 am: 11:52 am: 11:51 am: 11:46 am: 11:39 am: 11:35 am: 11:31 am: 11:26 am: 11:24 am: 11:16 am: 10:57 am: 10:48 am: 10:40 am: 10:39 am: 10:29 am: Security intensified around Lido Hotel: 10:21 am: 10:20 am: 10:03 am: 10:00 am: 9:51 am: 9:44 am: 9:43 am: 9:42 am: 9:32 am: 9:25 am: 9:20 am: 9:17 am: 9:07 am: To recap: 9:01 am: 8:59 am: 8:57 am: 8:52 am: To recap: 8:50 am: